Thursday, May 14, 2009


I just wanted to share a picture that I recently edited of Korben. I thought it turned out really cute. He was helping his daddy one day, and this is how I found him.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I'm sorry it has been so long since I have posted. We have been really busy recently. We have soccer 4 out of the 7 days in a week (3 days of practice / 1 game day). Kaden and Karsen both play on a team and are doing really well. I enjoying watching them play. Karsen scored his first goal at his last game and it was a big deal. Soccer season will be over at the end of May.

Baseball will be starting up soon. Kaden and Karsen will both be playing at Barr-Reeve. They are really looking forward to this again this year. That should keep us busy until about the middle of July. In addition to baseball this summer, Kaden also has plans to attend some basketball camps. He has been attending practices at B-R on Saturday mornings and really loves it. My 4th grade students have been so good to him at practice. They have really made him feel special by giving him a lot of attention.

I can't believe that there are only 11 days of school left. I have had a wonderful year (awesome kids) and will be sad to see it end. I also can't believe that Kaden will be in 2nd grade next year and Karsen will begin preschool. Where has time gone?

Karsen will celebrate his 5th birthday this! It just seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital for chasing a 2 1/2 year old (aka Kaden) driving a Dodge Durango down my driveway. Poor little Karsen was probably so shook up from all of the excitement. After using a walker to get around, Karsen was born 2 weeks later. Thank God for the happy ending.